Sonntag, 24. November 2013


Our lovely and extraordinary Ariane invited us this week to think about AUTUM, not my favorite season 
I've to admit, although sunny days with warm light and colored leaves and a lotof mushrooms are just beautiful, 
it also means a lot of grey, bleaden and rainydays and that it gets dark way to early - 
today for example sunrise 8.02 h, sundown 16.10 h in comparisson to midsummer were it
 was 4.48 h and 21.54 h - so we're facing a lot of dark which means the amount 
of money you have to spend on candles is enormous! And this what I really love 
about autum and winter all the candles and fire in the oven to light and warm your heart.

... and on some days you just want to spend all day in bed with all the forrest animals ...

don't miss to go to Ariane and see all the other autum inspired blogs!

14 Kommentare:

Patrice A. hat gesagt…

sweet you!
oh yes, candles all day long!
i LOVE autumn, because the buds are already there
the promise of the new life, of spring
give me autumn with it's colors and smell
but february, brrrrr, that's the hardest month, for me

thank you for the walk
i was there too! ;^))


nadine paduart hat gesagt…

your candlelit rooms!!!!
and now i see where you take yummi to walk... lovely!
the mist is beautiful.

Kristen Donegan hat gesagt…

Yes on the candles! and the walks in dreary weather- something magical about that and I'm fond of the idea of staying in bed all day with the forest animals- thought that never seems an option for me ;)

Love your collection of photos!!

Unknown hat gesagt…

This whole post warmed my heart and spirit too, dear Barbara! Every photograph speaks to me, but there are a few shots showing a window in the back that has something hanging in it which looks like a heart. That stopped me in my tracks. I imagine the smell of warmed cider steeping on your stove and imagine sipping it while wearing sheep wool slippers.
I love the look of candles and especially white ones, but I have stopped using them because of the upkeep of trimming the wick and watching out for running wax dripping and all of that. I use the tea light candles from IKEA now. They are inexpensive and last for hours and give a good steady glow. Truly, your home looks inviting and glorious. Outside, with the trees and mushrooms and nature, one walks with angels. I have angels on my mind lately. *smiles* Norma, x

Unknown hat gesagt…

Ah, I know what you mean about dreading the short days! It is dark when one goes to work and dark again when one gets ready to go home. But I, too, love candle light. Stay warm, Barbara!

Stefanie Seltner hat gesagt…

yeah candles... that´s true...
love your pictures, the forest, the nature, the fog - the dog :-)
x Stefanie

mano hat gesagt…

hach, ist das schön bei dir im kuscheltierlager!
:)) mano

Unknown hat gesagt…

Love your collection of photos!! Battery Led Picture Light

Dania hat gesagt…

kerzen- und kuschelzeit, genau!
lieben gruß

roberto M. hat gesagt…

hi B. I agree with all youu say here. and i like all your pics.
I always feel that the dirt roads covered with dry leaves, and surrounded by trees are "snapshot" of the fall
but all these photos that you show here are very autumnal indeed. :)

annton hat gesagt…

you've nailed it; that is exactly what I love about fall. it gives us excuses to stay in bed all day. after a summer outside or, at least, the feeling you got to be out and about, everything gets a bit muted. and not to forget about those mushrooms. waving from berlin to hamburg. annton

Miss Herzfrisch hat gesagt…

Was für wunderschöne Stimmungen du da eingefangen hast. Ich vermisse den Sommer auch schon, aber der Herbst zeigt uns immer wahre Schönheiten.
Aber in der gemütlichen Kerzenzeit darf man ja ein bißchen vom Sommer träumen...
Herzliche Grüße

Tammie Lee hat gesagt…

lovely to see all of your images
the frosty oak leaves and the family of mushrooms made my heart lean in!

tanïa hat gesagt…

So, da bin ich auch endlich, auf meinem Weg durch die Herbstmalereien...
In der Tat, wir sind ganz einer Meinung, der Herbst ist ja leider eher selten schön und leuchtend, sondern meist so grau und feucht und kalt...nicht gut, wenn man wie ich dann schon mal zu tiefer Melancholie tendiert. Dann werden aber diese raren schönen Bilder auch besonders stark, finde ich, der Raureif, die Pilze, eine nebelverhangene Landschaft, warmes Kerzenlicht...
Lieben Dank auch für Deine Post, sie ist wohlbehalten bei mir angekommen und die Freude war groß! :o)

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