Diese Woche möchte ich euch einladen zur DC ORDNUNG + CHAOS
für kommendes Wochenende 31.8./1.9.
Systeme so empfindlich von Veränderungen abhängen, dass langfristige
Vorhersagen unmöglich werden, spricht man von chaotischem Verhalten. Und
unsere Welt ist voller Chaos. Manchmal bildet sich Ordnung allerdings
ganz von allein.
Das Wetter reagiert so empfindlich auf Veränderungen, dass im Prinzip
der Flügelschlag eines Schmetterlings in China das Wetter in Hamburg
beeinflussen kann. Dieser sogenannte Schmetterlingseffekt beschreibt,
was Chaos in der Wissenschaft bedeutet: Winzige Ursachen können so große
Auswirkungen nach sich ziehen, dass Vorhersagen für die zeitliche
Entwicklung von Systemen nahezu unmöglich werden.
Diesen wissenschaftlichen Text habe ich zum Thema gefunden und was mich anbelangt, so sehe und verstehe ich das Prinzip des Chaos sehr gut, dass sich die Ordnung von allein bildet, konnte ich persönlich leider noch nicht feststellen - ich hoffe immer noch...
Wer Spaß an diesem Thema hat, der sei herzlich eingeladen mitzuspielen, ich freue mich sehr auf eure ordentlich chaotischen Beiträge!
Bist du dabei?
This week I would like to invite you to the DC ORDER + CHAOS
for next weekend 31.8./1.9.
If systems depend sensitively on changes that long-term predictions are impossible, it is called chaotic behavior. And our world is full of chaos. Sometimes, however, order forms all by itself.
The weather so sensitive to changes that in principle the flap of a butterfly's wing in China can affect the weather in Hamburg. This so-called butterfly effect describes what chaos means in science: tiny causes can thus attract large knock-on effects that predictions for the time evolution of systems are almost impossible.
This scientific article I found on the subject and as for me, I see and understand the principle of chaos very well that the order is on its own, I could not even find personally - I still hope ...
Who is having fun on this subject, is invited to play along,
If systems depend sensitively on changes that long-term predictions are impossible, it is called chaotic behavior. And our world is full of chaos. Sometimes, however, order forms all by itself.
The weather so sensitive to changes that in principle the flap of a butterfly's wing in China can affect the weather in Hamburg. This so-called butterfly effect describes what chaos means in science: tiny causes can thus attract large knock-on effects that predictions for the time evolution of systems are almost impossible.
This scientific article I found on the subject and as for me, I see and understand the principle of chaos very well that the order is on its own, I could not even find personally - I still hope ...
Who is having fun on this subject, is invited to play along,
I am looking forward to your neatly chaotic posts!
Are you in?
Are you in?
15 Kommentare:
Ha, liebste Barbara,
count me in, please :))
War mir eine Freude am Freitag.
(zur Natur schaffe ich es erst morgen, heute noch 2 Elternabende)
xo Ariane
sooooo... does this article happen to exist in english, i wonder? do tell me.
i am intrigued, therefore i would love to join. who knows where we'll end up? right at the beginning? ;)))
thank you for the invitation
i would like to join in
as i read your post
looked at your beautiful photographs
i felt as though you were describing all life
even the word trust came to mind
for sometimes we can not see where all the tiny details are heading
where they all end up
thank you for inspiring an interesting contemplation
chaos ist mein thema. und manchmal auch ordnung. ich bin dabei! wie auch immer, wahrscheinlich wirds wieder chaotisch...
liebste grüße an dich, vielleicht sehen wir uns im september!? mano
I am fairly certain you were thinking of me when you chose this DC theme! If only the pendulum did not swing so wide between the two.
Of course I want to join in (though I haven't quite finished last week's challenge)!
xx C.
Sadly I have to pass but will take a peak at what you and the others will do. Have fun everyone!
It is an intriguing theme, thank you! I will be happy to join, count me in, please:) Leena
brilliant theme, please count me in
Yes, please, Barbara! The Countess of Chaos here would love to play. xxoo, sus
I'll have to pass this time Barbara! - such a beautiful theme I'll be thinking on it all week
and look forward to peeking in on everyone's posts :)
Thanks for the invitation, count me in!
I will try to fix my inner chaos, to show in this DC an apparent and beautiful order. :)
Hi Barbara. Well we will see what the muse has in store for me this time. Count me IN please, hugs, Norma, x
dear you
yes, count me in
and now i hope
that somewhere in the chaos in my head
will pop up an idea for this theme!
Patrice A.
ohlala quite a theme, dear Barbara count me in please, x
Das Chaos ist ganz an meiner Seite, darum bin ich dabei (spät wie immer, das beweist es ja schon!). Die Ordnung muss ich hingegen erst mal suchen... ;o)
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