Freitag, 27. Juli 2012

Hamburg 1 - the incredible four

Hello girls,
as you may have followed (on other blogs...) we had this incredible come together with Ariane, Julia and ! Patrice - it was so phantastic and I enjoyed every single moment and the only thing I regret is, that it was a little to short.
There would have so much more to see, to visit, to do and to talk about!
What can I say than: I love you all, I miss you and I'm looking forward to a repeat!
Lots of Love and a big, big, giant SMILE and THANK YOU to all of you!


Hope to see you soon!

10 Kommentare:

Patrice A. hat gesagt…



Julia da Franca hat gesagt…

i'm jumping between your three blogs, to look at our wonderful time, again and again! sigh! xoxo julia

Lari Washburn hat gesagt…

I think you know how to have a good time, and connect with what is happening wherever you are! Thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving that insightful comment. I love trend watching because it does connect what is happening in real blogs do.

Carole Reid hat gesagt…

Could you all meet me in Vancouver for coffee and a day of gallery hopping? Oh it would be so lovely to meet you in person. xo Carole

...tatjana... hat gesagt…

du wieder im norden. hatte es bereits registriert. ein neuanfang. und ich wünsch dir von herzen alles gute. und so starke frauen in deiner umgebung zu wissen, fühlt sich auch ganz wunderbar an.

wir waren auch im norden. an der ostsee. ja. der regen hat uns vorzeitig zurück nach hause gespült. aber bei dem treffen war mein urlaub bereits vorbei. ich saß im büro und hab seufzend an euch gedacht.

wunderschöne fotos. ein ganz besonderer tag für euch!


Stefanie Seltner hat gesagt…

Hallo Barbara,
Du bist also eine der tollen Frauen, macht Spass, Eure Fotos zu betrachten und von Euch zu lesen! Schöne Grüße vom Bodensee, Stefanie
P.S: folge Dir jetzt auch :)

nadine paduart hat gesagt…

dear, dear liebe barbara...
is it at all possible i forgot to invite you to our this week's drawing challenge? i want to apologize! i have now SO added you to our ever growing list...!!!

isn't it fantastisc to be able to make friends like this, and then actually meet up? patrice & julia proposed to come on over to my house, i dunno when exactly. you are very welcome!!

**EYE-SNACKS** hat gesagt…

Nice to see the other one of the ladies meeting :-)
Lovely to view it from your eye :-)

Unknown hat gesagt…

Dear Patrice, dear Julia (+Ariane) - I'm still happy about our meeting - big, big SMILE.

Dear Lari, with the right persons its easy to have a good time. And trend watching like you do is a very interesting aspect.

Dear Carole, I would LOVE to meet you in Vancouver, I guess its very, very nice over there - and cafè and exhibition with you would just wonderful - maybe some day... you never know.

Liebe Tatjana, ja es war wirklich sehr schade, dass du nicht da warst, du hättest es noch so wunderbar ergänzt und Arianes Wohnung komplett gesprengt ;)

Liebe Stefanie, willkommen auf meinem blog und schöne Grüße and den Bodensee - den mochte ich immer gern, habe nämlich als Kind mal in Ravensburg gewohnt und da waren wir häufiger am Bodensee, Linda, Friedrichshaven, Boot fahren und in Bregenz essen gehen... das war schön.

Dear Nadine, thank you for adding me to your list - I'm often don't know who is the host.
Yes and the plans for visiting you are in the make - maybe in autum, especially because I love Belgium, Ghent for example is one of my favorite cities and de Haan :)

Hi Ingrid, yes it was so much fun to meet each other - maybe the next time we visit you?!

Carole Reid hat gesagt…

Hello agin Barabara, Would you like to join us in this week's Drawing Challenge: CROW? If you would please leave me a comment on my blog and I'll put you on the list.

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