Montag, 6. Juni 2011


Hello how was your weekend?
Ours was very varied and that in every respect.  

Thursday started great, great weather, we went to the Rhine, Yumi met a real poodle (Aiko), it was a really great day for all of us.
The next 2 days an ominous 48-hours-virus put us lame, I thought we had an EHEC infection, which was fortunately not, we just went super miserable and so fast it had come, so fast it was gone.

Just in time, because yesterday we were invited to a fancy lunch buffet on the occasion of the German-Australian-Opera Festival. This year's winner of the German-Australian Opera Grant Hayley Sugars sang 3 arias in private  and later she was seen with various predecessors at the opera festival in the foyer of the Hessisches State Theater of Wiesbaden.
Frankly, I've never been there - what a splendid! If that's the foyer
how should the real opera look like? Maybe I should go there and have a look in detail?
The Australian opera singers are really great talent, but because of its few opera houses in Australia, it's probably very interesting for them, to win a scholarship, as Hayley Sugars  (which I incidentally reminiscent of Toni Collette in Muriel's Wedding ) and emigrate to Germany?
Normally Germans do  emigrate to Australia and not the over way round. This is new to me.

I hope you had a great weekend (stupid infections are not  necessarely required).
Wish you a nice start into this week.

Hayley Sugars

I discovered this incredible watch in the kitchen - is it great?


5 Kommentare:

swinkie hat gesagt…

first pic: stop with the cuteness!!!!

and thanks for sharing that glorious state theatre... you know we have nothing like that here... only the glorious singers who seek out homes abroad!! (shame there is not enough working experience here for all of those artists) I often dream of moving to Germany firstly for the sausages!! and then the art!

annamaria potamiti hat gesagt…

Fabulous theatre!!!Wishing you a great week!

mano hat gesagt…

sehr lustig, die beiden hündchen...!
und das theater ist grandios!
dir auch eine woche voller netter überraschungen. was macht das neue studio???

Lari Washburn hat gesagt…

Beautiful work! I like the subtlety. I'm glad you are feeling better. Some of the news of what is happening over there has been a bit scary! And thanks for your kind comment on my blog. It really made a difference.XO

Unknown hat gesagt…

Dear Sandra, with only 5 major cities and a quarter of the population of Germany to a size larger than Europe, you can probably expect no more opera houses...? So we are fortunate to recruit all great singers.
And with the sausages, I would love to send you, what ever sort you desire, if it would be possible. If you see any loophole, let me know!

Thank you annamaria, wishing you a great week too.

Liebe mano, nächste Woche treffe ich mich noch mal mit der Eigentümerin und dann sehen wir weiter... ich werde berichten.

Dear Lari, sometimes it's good to hear some other opinions and if it helps, then it is of course best of all.

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