I wasn't in the mood for posting lately because of the disaster in Japan! What a nightmare. On friday afternoon while I was checking what's up in blogland I discovered on
Ai's blog about the earthquake. I can't even tell how sad and speechless I am.
But today is a wonderful spring day with unusual high temperatures that I had to go out with my cute little companion...
8 Kommentare:
I know what you mean... It is just so sad...
But, I am glad you went out with your little friend! If nothing else, the tragedy in Japan teaches us that we must savor each precious moment of beautiful life. And this is what you have done here!
Thank you!
There are no words to describe how I feel about the situation in Japan. And now, with the nuclear plant, it's even more worrying. I wish there was a way to help out.
It looks so cozy and warm in your pictures... and that little friend of yours is gorgeous, as always!
Ja, liebe Barbara,
wie in einer Parallelwelt. Ich freue mich über den nahenden Frühling - und gleichzeitig bin ich so abgrundtief traurig. Freue mich über mein sicheres Bett und bemerke, dass es eben nicht selbstverständlich ist, eines zu haben...
Alles Gute für Dich und Deine Familie,
it is crazy. craziness. what are we doing here, on earth? what else will happen before we can truly, fundamentally change? i wonder.
it is scary. and too huge to grasp.
p.s your companion is lovely. i wanted to send you a song a few days ago, but the file is too big. do you know of dropbox?
mir gehts wie dir. hin und hergerissen. danke für deine worte.genieß den süßen kleinen yumi!
... ach bei dir ist er also der frühling, dann ist es ja gut! ich freu mich mit dir über jede schöne minute mit yumi am wasser!
ja hin+her gerissen, hilflos, voll mit tränen bis oben hin. dann wieder empörung, sich gelinde gesagt total verschaukelt fühlen, dann wieder hilflosigkeit....
herzensgrüsse, julia
Lovely workspace, cute 'fellow'!! Have a nice day/ Eva
Moin moin, liebe Barbara,
bist Du im Urlaub? feierst Du Geburtstag?
Liebe Grüße von Ariane.
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