Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010

What is typical?

I have a question. What is typical and traditional for you for christmas?
Are you celebrating on 24th or 25th?
And what is a traditional meal and are you cooking tradional or something else?

After I read that lovely Sandra   will have Schnitzel with potato salad (which sounds so damned german for Germans.) I started wondering what all the others are up to.

Since we all got connected through blogland, I thought I just ask!

What Barbara does:
Our christmas tree (a small, very thick and heavy one this year) will be decorated on 24th. In the evening we will have gift giving and a roasted goose with stuffing of maroons and aples combined with little potato dumplings.
This is very traditional german, which I think is good if you have children.

And now you please!

Today we went to Gutenberg Druckladen were we printed on old letterpress, that was a lot of fun! And good for my son to experience and to have a few gifts for his grandparents.

10 Kommentare:

Ai hat gesagt…

Our family always celebrates on the 25th. We spend the morning opening presents and eating either pancakes or french toast. My dad spends the entire day making Christmas dinner, and my mom usually makes the dessert. We always have turkey with gravy and cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, some kind of veggie dish, and pumpkin pie for dessert!


Ariane Reichardt hat gesagt…

Moin moin, liebe Barbara,
wir feiern am 24. den Heiligabend. Unsere Nordmanntanne wird vormittags geschmückt (dieses Jahr mit Lametta! alte Glassilberkugeln und neue in allen Rosétönen, die es gibt), Kartoffelsalat mit Würstchen (erst am 1. Weihnachtstag beginnt das große Essen) und, wenn es draußen dämmert, werden die echten, weißen Kerzen am Baum angezündet und Geschenke verteilt. Wir futtern die bunten Teller leer, auf denen selbstgebackene Kekse (Zimtsterne...) Orangen, Äpfel und Nüsse nebst Weihnachtsmann in Schoko bis dahin gewesen sein werden...
Hamburgisch, oder?
Liebe Grüße von Ariane.

Himiko hat gesagt…

First I love love love the print of the dog!

And then, well we celebrate Christmas with close family. Before it was on the 24th but since we no longer all live in the same country it now sometimes is on the 25th... pretty much as soon as we can all make it... and the 24th is not a national holiday therefore it's not always achievable.

This year we celebrate on the 25th and the gifts will be unwrapped then. We have little snacks in the afternoon when we start the party (little kids and bedtime you see) and in the evening we have a large dinner that varies every year. This year I'm making Japanese food on the request of both the kids and adults... Oooh I can't wait!

Jane Housham hat gesagt…

Hi -- we don't have a very grand Christmas but we have our celebration on the 25th. Our major contribution to new traditions is Bucks Fizz for breakfast made with freshly squeezed oranges. Then we open presents and have a big lunch, not usually with turkey (too big!) but with a nice chicken elaborated with homemade stuffing, sausages wrapped in bacon and sauce made with fresh cranberries. It's making my mouth water to type this!
Have a lovely day. x

julias innenwelten hat gesagt…

dear barbara, we have two little girls and we decided to have fish and chips this year. we celebrate tomorrow.
i wish you a wonderfull and happy christmas time.

mano hat gesagt…

seit gefühlten hundert jahren gibt es bei uns heiligabend würstchen mit kartoffelsalat und am 1. weihnachtstag rouladen mit rotkohl und knödeln. ich hätte gern mal was anderes (wie gern auch vegi!!), aber kind ist traditionsbewusst...
ebenso muss ein tannenbaum sein, der wird am 24. geschmückt. letzes jahr war er lila (kugeln von ikea am 23. gekauft für ein paar cent...), dieses jahr soll er weiß und silber sein mit ein paar bunten wunderschönen alten kugeln. die geschenke liegen dann darunter. ich bekomme gerne geschenke, besonders solche, die mir was bedeuten. meistens finde ich die auch unterm baum dank aufmerksamen gemahl und liebem kind.
dir auch schöne weihnachtstage mit leckereien und stimmungsvollem kerzenlicht, mano

Julia da Franca hat gesagt…

liebe brainmaid, dir und deiner familie wünsche ich wunderschöne schneetage, ich freu mich so sehr darüber das wir uns begegnet sind!

ach so, heute: würstchen und kartoffelsalat, das erste festessen gab es schon gestern, um einem amerikanischen freund deutschen braten zu kredenzen... fand er gut.

hab es schön, bis bestimmt ganz bald, julia

swinkie hat gesagt…

my favourite food is Goose!! This year on the 24th we just had spatchcock/poussin with the potato salad! My mother use to bake a duck with red cabbage and potato dumplings...dripping in juices and of carraway seeds.

A beautiful Xmas to you Barbara... so glad you are here in bloggyland too!

annamaria potamiti hat gesagt…

We do brunch not dinner! We have a biiiig brunch at about eleven, with croissants and smoked salmon and salamis, and many different cheeses and lots of small desserts etc. Then we go to a family movie. This year our older children are bringing their girlfriends and boyfriends along too, so we are nine for breakfast and movie.It should be fun.
By the way, I came here to tell you about putting a video from youtube on your blog, just look under the video on the you tube page it says 'share', click on that and specify blogger and then it happpens so easily, save it and go later to the saved draft and voila!!
Merry Christmas!!

Ella hat gesagt…

oh, i do hope you're having a wonderful christmas :)

hehe and thank you for acknowledging, that it was indeed my birthday a couple weeks ago :)

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