Montag, 21. Januar 2013

Hello again!

Hello everyone!
I've been sick the last 2 weeks (very bad flu) and still not totally recovered, but 100 % better than before.
So I hope to get back on track and blogging road again.

Some of you might have noticed that I've a new blog 365 ways of memories where I post one collage/art work a day - one of the newbies this year: a 365 days project. Not new in blogworld but some sort of "a little step for mankind a big leap for me" a simple attempt of keep going.


10 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hope you feel better...I will take a look at the project!

Ariane Reichardt hat gesagt…

Liebste Barbara,
dieses Jahr sind die Grippeviren irgendwie fieser als zuvor, oder? Schön, dass es Dir wieder besser geht.
Und Du hast auf Deinem neuen Blog ja schon Tolles geschaffen! wow!


Carole Reid hat gesagt…

You must be feeling better to be up and blogging again. I've just become your newest follow over at 365 ways. Take care, Barbara. xo

Patrice A. hat gesagt…

I had missed you!
glad you feel much better now
and I like your collages very much
the one with VWvan and the whale

Patrice A.

renilde hat gesagt…

aha there you are, good to have you back, I just visited your other blog, nr.16, 17 and 20 are my favorites so far, beautiful and funny work Barbara, take care, xx

mano hat gesagt…

schön, dass es dir wieder besser geht! von deinem jahresprojekt bin ich natürlich total begeistert!! morgen seh ich mir alles in ruhe an! jetzt noch gute nacht und bis bald, mano

nadine paduart hat gesagt…

as an attempt to keeping going, it'll be rewarding like nothing else, i'm sure. i've been doing a few 365, behind the scenes, and it is mighty interesting, and challenging. a collage/drawing a day is quite intense. i will be following you at heel, hoping not to make you too nervous. X
and get better soon, b!

sarapirat hat gesagt…

welcome back,
hope you are feeling fetter indeed, take care! love that buddhist teaching below and the idea of your 365 ways of memories is great!


Stefanie Seltner hat gesagt…

geht es Dir besser?
Muss gleich mal rüber zu Deinem daily project, das find ich ja spannend!

Lari Washburn hat gesagt…

Glad you are up and about! That flu must be all over the world...everyone here has had it too. Love the egg story. We truly must remember to pick up the eggs. Now I'll go check your new blog!

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