Montag, 19. September 2011

My creative mess/ space

Every few months I arrange all my stuff in the studio again, in the hope that I find everything more easily and it is a sensible division this time ... until I just start over again. I
I first almost all fished out from the closets to get it then re-grant.
Some sort of  "live is what happens while you're trying to arrange your studio."
I'm not ready yet, but so far I'm quite happy with my result.

And then I finally managed to paint a picture that I startet in! February and than got stucked. (see pic 3).
Now I like it much better, it still is not quite finished and I hope it does not take another 7 months,  I dare to take the next step!

How was your weekend? I hope good!

8 Kommentare:

Kristen Donegan hat gesagt…

Tis the season to reorganize :) I am doing the same thing...must be like hunkering down for winter or nest building in Spring. In the end it always feels like a new place-
The 7 month painting looks worth the wait! Loving the black ripply lines- beautiful!!

Jane Housham hat gesagt…

Hello! Glad you're here. I like your painting too -- the layered effect interests me. Don't make me feel guilty about NOT re-organizing, though.

renilde hat gesagt…

Beautiful light space anyway :)
I like the icy background of the painting, the flowing lines and the transpency x

mano hat gesagt…

oh ja, aufräumen! meine arbeitstische sehen zur zeit auch so aus wie auf bild 1. jetzt kam noch allerlei urlaubskram dazu. morgen hol ich neue kisten...
dein bild ist viel spannender geworden - manchmal brauchen kopf seele 7 monate, bei mir manchmal auch mehr.
bin gespannt auf weitere schritte!
lg von mano

Julia da Franca hat gesagt…

das bild gefällt mir sehr, ich liebe es ja wie du verschiedene richtungen mixt! ach ja aufräumen ist so was tolles, wenn man den dreh kriegt...♥ julia

Unknown hat gesagt…

You have so much space and light...beautiful! You are lucky!

sarapirat hat gesagt…

dear bee
what happened to that beautiful space you thought about renting?
any further plans?
your creative space looks creative.
me like! enjoy your weekend, the next one already...time flies!♥

helicopter6 hat gesagt…

What an incredible studio space! I'm always trying to rearrange to make my space work - but it is small which makes options just a bit tricky. Having a lovely weekend. Partner home after 3 months, drawing for upcoming exhibition. Now... if the Spring weather could just behave!!

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