To see further works of this weeks drawing challenge please go to lovely Julia this weeks host. See her beautiful and amazing work and of all the others.
And of course is everyone invited to participate to next weeks challenge!
I wish you all a pleasant sunday.
13 Kommentare:
guten morgen. schon kaffee gemacht?
spring jetzt in den tag. wie deine schöne auf dem bild. leicht und entspannt. allerdings mit kleidung...
wünsch dir ein superschönes restwochenende! hach! die sonne kommt gerade raus...
so dreamy
and soft
a beautiful body
running towards
Lovely soft, delicate drawing
Lively and confident, feeling of freedom. Beautiful, beautiful background, another unique interpretation, x
Toll, liebe Barbara,
ich habe das Gefühl zu schweben, wenn ich auf dein schönes Bild schaue und fühle mich ganz leicht.
Hübscher Bleistrich, dieser Körper..., und dass Hinter - und Vordergrund sich begegnen, gefällt mir gut.
Machst Du jetzt bitte häufiger mit?!
Dann lockern sich auch die persönlichen Daumenschrauben - ist ein gute Übung.
xo Ariane.
How beautiful, Barbara! I love the turqoise color. It seems to me this could be a drawing of a Finnish midsummer event. You see, there's an old tradition in Finland that says if on a midsummer night you run naked through seven fields, cross seven fences, collect seven different flowers and set them under your pillow, you will dream of your future husband. I never tried it, though... would have been a bit too embarrasing! :D
Beautiful, dreamy fairy feeling. I love the colors.
schöne, sensible zeichnung.
hello barbara!
love the soft tones a-here...
so, nach einem etwas eventlastigen wochenende bin ich endlich hier. ha! wusste ich es doch, von daumenschraubendruck keine spur, sondern ein wunderschönes, federleichtes bild!
man gut das ich dich genötigt hab, nech???
hab auch schon hellauf begeistert durch dein digitales sketchbook geblättert, das ist wirklich nur toll!
innige grüsse, julia
this makes me want to float away I love it and am so drawn to her right arm like you can see the air move away from her body- :)
Oh, thanks you all sooo much for all your lovely comments and compliments, this is really overwhelming- don't even know what to say.
Maybe only: I said I was more or less forced to participate.. but I have to admit I really liked it, it was great fun - also to see all of your phantastic works! - and I will be a repeat offender or even an serial offender ... and some people must be forced to their happiness.
So thanks again, you really make me feel great!
Dear Ansku, I like this finnish midsummer tradition - I'll try it next year - does it also work if you're not completely naked while running through the fields ? - that could be the deal breaker here in this populated area and will never find the man of my dreams ;)
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