If you are looking for a little inspiration on furnishing and/or designed studios, I can only recommend to look at édition paumes. Yesterday these 3 books arrived, Bureaux à la Maison, Paris Creative Couples and Stockholm's studio , the last one is my favorite, I think. But hard to tell they are all true treasures of inspiration full of creative places that one can not get enough and gets a totall Flash and now wants to set up everything again.
Even if everything is written in Japanese, which is of course to look very pretty, but I can not read, of course. The images compensate for everything and it certainly will not be the last purchase I ordered there.
13 Kommentare:
inspiration, we can never have enough of it. i can dream myself away looking at those pictures. dreaming of a home. more rooted than this. one day...
and yumi is a beautiful name for that little bundle of love. arrrrgh what a viking spirit she has, chewing on that rope! ♥
Oh gosh, I really would like to have those books. Gorgeous!
DIE hätte ich natürlich auch alle gerne, oder noch lieber dich in der nähe, dann würden wir jetzt vielleicht kaffee
trinken und gemeinsam blättern... xxx julia
Wow, what inspiration!Love those wooden tables- what am I saying? Love it all!
And your puppy- how cute is that? Did you finally agree on a name?XX
Sara, yes we can never enough inspiration like this and I understand your longing for a more "home", even a viking-pirate needs a shelter. And we finally could convince my son to name her Yumi! And he could call her scruffy and cookie as a nickname.
Jane: you can purchase these books via paumes, as I did, if you have paypal, its no problem - and they were really quick.
Ja, liebe Julia, gemeinsam Kaffee trinken, reden und blätternd Pläne schmieden, das wäre ganz grossartig, besonders an einem Tag wie diesen wo es erst schneit und dann zu einem regnerischen Matsch übergeht. Zum Glück habe ich jetzt einen kleinen flauschigen Freund zum Kuscheln!
Annamaria: yes this wooden table is so damned phantastic, gosh I would love to have it!
Liebe Barbara,
Inspiration pur! Ja, und den Holztisch sähe ich auch gern in unserer Küche...
Schneematsch...argh. Schnapp Dir Yumi (schöner Name!) und hole Dir viele bunte Blumen: Hyazinthen, Tulpen und Narzissen, ganz viele!
Liebe Grüße von Ariane.
ich liebe die paumes bücher - ich habe leider nur eins: "stockholm's apartements" - auch ganz toll. und ich will unbedingt noch die stockholmer ateliers haben. wo hast du sie bestellt???
hoffe "yumi" geht es gut!
lieben gruß von mano
ps. falls du mal in der nähe bist, lad ich dich zum stöbern ein...!
thanks for sharing, would love to have them!
these look excellent! will try to resist~
yumi is a gorgeous name xx
I sure am looking for inspiration (in decorating and just about anything that's creative...) so maybe I should go and order some books, too!
Although, I've realised sometimes I get so caught up in books and magazines that I can't get anything done. Know what I mean..? :D
P.S. I (sort of) started on that journal! At least now I'm marking down all the handcrafts; the dates of starting and finishing - so that I could keep track on what's been going through my hands! :)
Thank You for sharing with Japanese inspiration. I found on this website http://www.paumes.com/ a lot of interesting things.
have a nice weekend!
ich liebe diese bücher. und hätte gerne ALLE.
warum gibt es diese bücher nicht bei uns? marktlücke? hallo amazon!
hab mir im vergangenen jahr eins in berlin gekauft. bei souer. von der ladeninhaberin aus paris importiert.
und werde mich jetzt nach deinem post wohl doch mal mit paypal auseinandersetzen...
wünsch dir ein rundum gutes wochenende.
I love those books too. And Camilla Pyk is a great artist! All those studios really inspire me.
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