Sonntag, 25. September 2016
Sonntag, 28. August 2016
Art Challenge "ROOM" (with a view)
Hello everyone!
It's been a while on this neglected blog, but trying to put up this post
for this weeks art challenge from our lovely Nadine, I know why:
it's a whole lot of work!
But fun too. Rambling over ideas how to put this challenge into pictures.
Out theme today "ROOM".
There are trillions of possibilities to interpret the theme but I was going
with the idea of room as a place to create like a studio for example.
But hot as it is these day my studio is going to be to HOT and
glistening sunlight in the afternoon simple blinds you.
And as we had to many rainy days this summer I like to jump
onto every possibility to be outside and turn the garden into my
part time studio
or the terrace
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raskog (ikea) part time studio make up |
Above pic is for you Ariane.... you know why.
or find a nice comfy room at the sea (one of my favorite places)
During my 365 days collage project I brought my studio even to the camping ground.
And sometimes you can turn a coffee shop in a room of ones own...
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Or carry your stuff to your friends rooms...
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hope-for-Nadine-pic "cool down" |
Thank you so much Nadine-tje for this challenge and this pic
is especially for you to cool down mentally cause winter isn't
so far away and you can breathe again.
Wish you a happy weekend/holiday/summer
Barbara - busy - bee
Montag, 1. August 2016
Collage-Workshop bei Boesner in Hamburg
Hallo Ihr Lieben,
aufregende Neuigkeiten! Ich gebe im September meinen ersten
Collage-Workshop bei Boesner in Hamburg!! YEAH - so aufregend.
Wer also schon immer mal Lust hatte mit mir zusammen Collagen
zu machen und mir persönlich auf die Finger gucken wollte, wie
meine Collagen entstehen, der hat jetzt dazu Gelegenheit.
Und natürlich geht es dabei nicht um mich, sondern darum selbst
kreativ zu werden und seine eigenen Geschichten mit Collagen zu
erzählen und einfach mal nach herzenslust in den Prozeß des
Finden, Experimentieren einzutauchen und sich einfach mal auf
eine spannende Entdeckungsreise der künstlerischen Möglichkeiten
Habt Ihr Lust?
Dann könnt Ihr Euch ab sofort bei Boesner in Hamburg anmelden.
Ich freue mich sehr auf Euch und bin sicher, es werden tolle Arbeiten
entstehen und wir werden jede Menge Spaß zusammen haben!
Jede Menge Tipps & Tricks inklusive.
Also meldet Euch heute noch an!
Ich freu mich auf Euch!
Barbara - busy - bee
Sonntag, 12. Juni 2016
AC/DC ☜ ☺☺☺☺ blue
Hello everyone,
Patrice is our host for this weekends art challenge drawing challenge (AC/DC - haha!)
the theme BLUE.
Blue is the most favorite color at least in Germany
I think because its the color of the sky and the ocean
and we accosciate with it wastenes and light
and therefore maybe with calming and relaxing
and often with hope
and the light coming together with a blue sky makes everything and every color pop
we are living on a blue planet so its maybe no surprise that we are drawn to this color
its the atmosphere which makes our sky blue
if we would live on mars the sky would appear orange
and I wonder if then our most favorite color would be orange?
but at least the sunset on mars is blue
with no atmosphere the sky would look black...
so I think we can be really happy with our blue sky
its a good color don't you think?
For more blues go see the other entries via Patrices' site
Wish you a nice rest weekend.
Barbara - busy - bee
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