Für die erste drawing challenge dieses Jahr wählte
Tammie den Begriff "NUMEN" aus.
Das tolle an der dc ist, daß es immer neue Herausforderungen gibt
und ich bin jedesmal begeistert und verblüfft wieviele Unterschiedliche
Sichtweisen und künstlerische Ausdrücke dabei zu Tage kommen
und oftmals lerne ich auch neue Wörter und Begriffe,
die ich nie zuvor gehört habe. Danke dafür, Tammie!
Also musste ich NUMEN erstmal nachschlagen und vielleicht
war ich nicht die einzige. Für mich gibt es so etwas wie eine
allumfassende Kraft/Energie die im gesamten Universum
herrscht, man kann sie nicht sehen und
vielleicht auch nicht beweisen, aber manchmal spüren,
am ehesten in der Natur und da ich aus einer
alten Seefahrerfamilie komme mütterlicherseits,
bilde ich mir ein, daß ich Meerwasser im Blut habe und
deshalb zeigt sich Numen für mich am meisten am Meer.
Das Meer ist für mich ein magische Ort und strömt
unendlich viel Kraft aus. Egal, ob and diesigen Tagen
wo Himmel und Meer ineinander verschwimmen oder
bei Wind und Wellen, ich könnte einfach nur
dasitzen und schauen und ganz viel Numen
in mich aufsaugen, Glücksgefühle einfach.
For the first drawing challenge this year Tammie chose the term " NUMEN " .The
great thing about the dc, there are always new challenges
and I
am always thrilled and amazed how many different perspectives
artistic expressions come to light and often I learn
new words
and terms that I have never heard before.
Thanks for that Tammie !
So I had to look up NUMEN first and maybe I was not the only one.
For me there is such a thing as an all-encompassing power / energy
So I had to look up NUMEN first and maybe I was not the only one.
For me there is such a thing as an all-encompassing power / energy
that the entire universe inhere you can not see it,
maybe not proof it, but sometimes feel, most likely
in nature and me coming of an old seafaring family
from my mothers side, I imagine thatI have salt water in the blood and therefore
Numen shows for me most in the sea.The sea is a magical place for me and flows infinitely force.
Whether on hazy days where the sky and sea blend together
or in
wind and waves, I could just sit and watch
and absorb a lot of Numen, feelings of happiness.
Ich freue mich darauf, alle Eure
Interpretationen zu sehen und die findet ihr
diesmal auf Tammies blog.
I'm looking forward to see all your
interpretation which you can find
this time on Tammies blog.
monday quote:
15 Kommentare:
Aahhh, wie wunderbar!
Ich sauge gerade.
Aus deinen Bildern.
Jaaa, das Meer...seufz...mal stilles, mal rauschendes, mal tosendes Numen. Volle Zustimmung, auch ganz ohne Seefahrergene (soviel ich weiß zumindest).
the spirit of the land is well and alive in your gorgeous photos. I think many of us had to look up and get to know this word. But we all most likely feel the spirit of places, things and so much more. It has been a fun exploration for me as well.
Thank you so much for joining us!
thanks Barbara for bringing me the sea which i don't see often enough but the times i was there i experienced so deeply that your photos bring it all back instantly, the scent, the wind, the air, the sound and more,the numen of sea.
just like you i do like our dc's for the enrichment they bring into my life, you said it beautifully.
now i go back gazing at your photos some more, xx
Barbara, I think the sea has a very strong numen and I feel you caught that in these salty photos. My Sailor man says so, too!
i see numen in image 3, i doooooooo! ;)))
i get it, your fascination for the seaside, then. well, the blues are just winterly stunning...
ps - overly happy with the diary. serves me tons!
My thoughts went to the sea when I was thinking about this challenge too-it's always so inspiring and makes one feel small- gives you perspective...or maybe it's just all that oxygen!
But your photos nailed it- so vast I can get lost in them :)
Beautiful blues in these photos. And power. Energy. And life. A life force caught in one moment of numen. Just really beautiful Barbara! I am blessed to live half a block from the Vancouver harbour (inner) and so hear crying seagulls day and night. It is music and it is medicine all at the same time. The sea is with me. *hugs to you* Norma, xo
I miss the sea. I grew up near her. Thank you for reminding me of her pull.
The sea is a special thing all its own, isn't it? We live by the sea, and it always hold surprises and stories. I especially like the tinges of rose in your sea scenes. They add to the otherworldliness of the images.
Such beautiful and awe-inspiring images, I love all that you shared and wrote..stunning skies and waves and colorful sceneries..deeply gorgeous..all like peoms!
You express beautifully through your stunning photo's the exact feel and pull of the sea. I love the days when I can go visit the sea and be totally swept away with its power and smells and sounds. Stuuning images!
ja, ich hatte auch überlegt, Fotos vom Meer vom letzten Urlaub auf Kreta rauszusuchen... hab kein Seefahrerblut (glaub ich)... das ist so eine ganz besondere Kraft. Unbeschreiblich eigentlich und Du hast es so schön hier dargestellt!
Ahoi x Stefanie
Hi, B. while I was reading your post, when you say that the sea is a magical place. I thought, yes, it really is. and then (when there is a good idea, I like to move on it) I thought, why is a magical place? (Actually I should include sea coast). I think it's a limit, a line between reality and mystery. What's down there? is an unknown area.
that can awaken our ideas.
Congratulations on your numen!
oooh the sea
i love so much
but do not see that often
oh yes, numen is there
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